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Risultati 80-100 di 644

La terra dei Rajah

passaggi in India dal seicento al novecento

Appointment of judges to the Supreme Court of India

transparency, accountability, and independence

Europe's India

words, people, empires, 1500-1800

  • Subrahmanyam, Sanjay

L'impresa verso i mercati internazionali

focus India

  • Interprofessional network

Imperial bodies

the physical experience of the Raj, c. 1800-1947

  • Collingham, E. M.

Ancient Rome and India

commercial and cultural contacts between the Roman world and India


un milione di rivolte

  • Naipaul, Vidiadhar S.


the making of the Indo-Islamic world

  • Wink, André

A qualified hope

the Indian Supreme Court and progressive social change

The merchant-warrior pacified

the VOC, the Dutsch East India Company, and its changing political economy in India.

  • Winius, George D.

Le campagne dell'India

economia, politica e cultura nell'India rurale contemporanea

  • Basile, Elisabetta

Il subcontinente indiano verso il terzo millennio

tensioni politiche, trasformazioni sociali ed economiche, mutamento culturale

India's global challenge

growth and leadership in the 21. century

Subaltern studies

modernità e post-colonialismo

  • Guha, Ranajit

Trade and conquest [+]

studies on the rise of British dominance in India

  • Marshall, Peter James

An economic history of India

from precolonial times to 1991

  • Rothermund, Dietmar

The nation and its fragments

colonial and postcolonial histories

  • Chatterjee, Partha 1947-