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Risultati 420-440 di 1577

Sociobiology and conflict

evolutionary perspectives on competition, cooperation, violence and warfare

La theologie de la victoire

de Constantin a Theodose

  • Heim, François


military action and moral justification

Le guerre italiane 1935-1943

dall'impero d'Etiopia alla disfatta

  • Rochat, Giorgio


guerra e democrazia nel nuovo ordine imperiale

  • Hardt, Michael

Aggressivita e guerra: perche'?

riflessioni teoriche e contributo di ricerca

  • Sbandi De Vito, Maria

New and old wars [+]

organized violence in a global era

  • Kaldor, Mary

The laws of war

a comprehensive collection of primary documents on international laws governing armed conflict

  • Reisman, William Michael

Ancient Indian warfare

with special reference to the Vedic Period

  • Singh, Sarva Daman

War and our world

the Reith lectures 1998

  • Keegan, John

No peace, no war

an anthropology of contemporary armed conflicts : in memoriam Bernhard Helander

The origins of war

violence in prehistory

  • Guilaine, Jean