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Risultati 320-340 di 1577

Democracies and the shock of war

the law as a battlefield

  • Cogen, Marc

Guerre juste, guerre injuste

histoire, théories et critiques

  • Nadeau, Christian

Tempo di guerra tempo di pace

stabilità e durata nel mondo globale

  • Patrizio, Gabriele

Jihad in Islamic history

doctrines and practice

  • Bonner, Michael

The glorious art of peace

from the Iliad to Iraq

  • Gittings, John

Heritage under siege

military implementation of cultural property protection following the 1954 Hague convention

  • Kila, Joris

Just wars, holy wars, and Jihads

Christian, Jewish, and Muslim encounters and exchanges

The moral target

Aiming at right conduct in war and other conflicts

  • Kamm, Frances Myrna

Forme giuridiche del bellum iustum

corso di diritto romano, Brescia a. a. 2003-2004

  • Calore, Antonello

Den Krieg überdenken

Kriegsbegriffe und Kriegstheorien in der Kontroverse