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Risultati 80-100 di 2063

Introducing transformational grammar

from rules to principles and parameters

  • Ouhalla, Jamal

Grammatical theory and metascience

a critical investigation into the methodological and philosophical foundations of autonomous linguistics

  • Itkonen, Esa

La grammaire générative

réflexions critiques

  • Hagège, Claude

Die ältesten Sprachschichten Westeuropas

vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 27. April 1962

  • Locker, Ernst

The English noun phrase

the nature of linguistic categorization

  • Keizer, Evelien

Grammatical theory in Western Europe 1500-1700

the latin tradition

  • Padley, George Arthur

Cultural, psychological and typological issues in cognitive linguistics

selected papeers of the bi-annual icla meeting in Albuquerque, July 1995

  • International cognitive linguistics conference 4. Albuquerque 1995

An introduction to functional grammar [+]

  • Halliday, Michael Alexander Kirkwood

Risultati 80-100 di 2063