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Risultati 200-220 di 2063

Modality in specialized texts

selected papers of the 1st CERLIS conference

Principles and parameters

an introduction to syntactic theory

  • Culicover, Peter W.

Word-formation in the world's languages

a typological survey

  • Stekauer, Pavol

Sintaxis general

  • Martinet, André

Morphology 2000

selected papers from the 9th Morphology meeting : Vienna 24-28 February 2000

  • International morphology meeting 9 Vienna 2000

Lectures on syntax

with special reference to Greek, Latin, and Germanic

  • Wackernagel, Jacob

A view of language

  • Seuren, Pieter A. M

The 'w'hole of the doughnut

syntax and its boundaries

  • Kuroda, S.-Y.

Syntaxe et sémantique

les deux plans des relations syntaxiques à l'exemple de la transitivité et de la transformation passive : étude contrastive français-allemand

  • Vernay, Henri

Theorie der Grammatik

  • Hartmann, Peter 1923-1984

Le causatif

perspectives croisées

Temps et verbe ; suivi de l'architectonique du temps dans les langues classiques [+]

théorie des aspects, des modes et des temps

  • Guillaume, Gustave

Elements of the comparative grammar of the Indo-Germanic languages

a concise exposition of the history of Sanskrit, old Iranian (Avestic and old Persian), old Armenian, old Greek, Latin, Umbrian-Samnitic, old Irish, Gothic, old High German, Lithuanian and old Bulgarian

  • Brugmann, Karl

Living words

meaning underdetermination and the dynamic lexicon

  • Ludlow, Peter