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Risultati 20-40 di 332

Harvard graphics

guida all'uso

  • Sagman, Stephen W.


guida all'uso

  • Cowart, Robert


fotomosaico - vettorizzazione, restituzione prospettica automatizzata

  • Mantini, Paolo

Deblurring images

matrices, spectra, and filtering

  • Hansen, Per Christian

Articulated motion and deformable objects

third international workshop, AMDO 2004, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, September 22-24, 2004 : proceedings

  • International workshop on articulated motion and deformable objects 3. Palma de Mallorca, Spain 2004

Discrete geometry for computer imagery

10th international conference, DGCI 2002, Bordeaux, France, April 3-5, 2002 : proceedings

  • International conference on discrete geometry for computer imagery 10th Bordeaux 2002

Graph in the box

instant graphs in virtually any application

Easy web graphics

  • King, Julie Adair


corso di istruzione

Ombre sintetiche

saggio di teoria dell' immagine elettronica

  • Colombo, Fausto

Computer graphics proceedings

Siggraph 99 conference proceedings : August 8-13, 1999

  • Special interest group on computer graphics 1999 conference proceedings Los Angeles 1999

Eidologia informatica

immagini e computer

  • Morasso, Pietro

Graphics Interface 2001

proceedings : Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 7-9 June, 2001

  • Graphics Interface Ottawa 2001

Electronic color

the art of color applied to graphic computing

  • Norman, Richard B.