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Risultati 140-160 di 332

Chaos and fractals [+]

the mathematics behind the computer graphics

Computer graphics

an introduction to mathematics and geometry

  • Mortenson, Michael E.

Pythagorean-hodograph curves

algebra and geometry inseparable

  • Farouki, Rida T.

Computers, pattern, chaos and beauty

graphics from an unseen world

  • Pickover, Clifford A.

Geometry and robotics

workshop, Toulouse, France, May 26-28, 1988 : proceedings

Computational geometry and its applications

CG '88, International workshop on computational geometry, Wurzburg, FRG, March 24-25, 1988 : proceedings

  • International workshop on Computational geometry Wurzburg 1988

The boost graph library

user guide and reference manual

  • Siek, Jeremy

Advanced graphics in C

programming and techniques

  • Johnson, Nelson

Elaborazione di immagini e grafica

atti della Scuola GRIS, Bari 3-5 ottobre 1983

  • Gruppo dei ricercatori di informatica e sistemistica