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Risultati 460-480 di 1636

Metamorphoseentwicklung im Kaokogürtel, NW-Namibia

Phasenpetrologische und geothermo-barometrische Untersuchungen panafrikanischer Metapelite

  • Gruner, Birgit B.

57 Turkiye jeoloji Kurultayi

Genisletilmis bildiri ozleri kitabi : 08-12 mart 2004

  • Turkiye jeoloji Kurultayi 57. Ankara 2004

The last deglaciation: absolute and radiocarbon chronologies

[proceedings of the NATO advanced research workshop on the last deglaciation: absolute and radiocarbon chronologies held in Erice, Sicily (Italy), December 9-13, 1990]

Etudes geostatistiques

Seminaire CFSG sur la geostatistique : Reunion organisee par le Centre de Geostatistique et de Morphologie Mathematique dans le cadre du Cycle de Formation specialisee en Geostatistique : (CFSG), Juin 1989, Ecoles des Mines, Fontainebleau

  • Seminaire CFSG sur la Geostatistique 6. Fontainebleau 1989

Geostatistics applied to earth sciences

Papers presented at the third inter national geostatistics congress, September 5-9, 1988, Avignon, France

  • International Geostatistics Congress 3. Avignone 1988

Geology of the Point Sur-Lopez Point region, coast ranges, California

a part of the southern California allochton

  • Hall, Clarence A.

The Quaternary of China

dedicated to the 13th INQUA congress

La Geologie

  • Cailleux, Andre

Events of the mid-Cretaceous

final report on results obtained by IGCP Project n. 58, 1947-1985