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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 420-440 di 1636

Geological survey of Finland

Current research 1997-1998

30. International geological congress


  • International geological congress 30. Pechino 1996

The changing earth

exploring geology and evolution

  • Monroe, James S.

26. Congres geologique international

  • Congres Geologique International 26. Parigi 1980

The mesozoic development of the N-Indian passive margin and of the Xigaze Forearc Basin in southern Tibet, China

excursion guide to IGCP 362 working-group meeting "Integrated stratigraphy"

  • Willelms, Helmut

General proceedings

  • International geological congress 27. Mosca 1984

15. Congress of the carpatho-balkan geological association

September 17-20, 1995, Athens, Greece : proceedings

  • Congress of the carphato-balkan geological association 15. Atene 1995