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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 120-140 di 344

Pollutants in porous media

the unsaturated zone between soil surface and groundwater

Petrochemical calculations based on equivalents

(methods of Paul Niggli)

  • Burri, Conrad

Chemical elements in the environment

factsheets for the Geochemist and environmental scientist

  • Reimann, Clemens

Geochemical exploration 1974

proceedings of the 5. International geochemical exploration symposium held in Vancouver, B.C., Canada, April 1-4, 1974

  • International geochemical exploration symposium 5 Vancouver 1974

Short papers of the 4. international conference, geochronology, cosmochronology, isotope geology, 1978

geological survey open-file 78-701 : conference held August 20-25, 1978 in snowmass-at-Aspen, Colorado, United States of America

Geochemische Tabellen

  • Rösler, Hans Jürgen


  • Rankama, Kalervo