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Risultati 40-60 di 344

Problems of geochemistry

(Problemy geokhimii) : jubilee collection dedicated to the 70. birthday of academician A.P. Vinogradov


  • Wedepohl, Karl Hans


  • Vinassa, P.

Principles of chemical geology

a review of the application of the equilibrium theory to geological problems

  • Elsden, James Vincent


insoluble organic matter from sedimentary rocks

The evidence for chemical heterogeneity in the Earths mantle

a royal Society discussion, organized by D.K. Bailey, J. Tarney and sir Kingsley Dunham, on behalf of the geochemistry group of the mineralogical Society, held on 1 and 2 november 1978

Studies on sulphur isotope variations in nature

proceedings of an advisory group Meeting on the hydrology and geochemistry of sulphur isotopes organized by the International atomic energy agency and held in Vienna from 17 to 20 June 1985

Elemental analysis in geochemistry

A. Major elements

  • Volborth, Alexis

Organic geochemistry [+]

principles and applications