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Risultati 1-16 di 16

Convegno specializzato sul genere Candida

Pisa, 16-17 dicembre 1977

  • Convegno specializzato sul genere Candida Pisa 1977

Yeasts [+]

the proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on Yeasts held in Bratislava, 16-21 July, 1966

Aspects of yeast metabolism

a guinnes symposium held at the Research laboratory St James's Gate, Dublin

Lafabrication de l'aérolevure

levure pressée pour panification

  • Damme, Charles van


characteristics and identification

  • Barnett, James A.


  • Arima, K.

Yeast, mould and plant protoplasts

proceeding of the 3rd international symposium on yeast protoplasts held at Salamanca, Spain, in october, 1972

  • International Symposium On Yeast Protoplasts 3. Salamanca 1972

Die hefe

eine gesamt-literaturubersicht mit einfuhrendem text

  • Luers, Heinrich

Seventh international symposium on yeasts

Perugia, Italy, August, 1-5, 1988 : abstracts

  • International symposium on yeasts 7. Perugia 1988

The coelomycetes

fungi imperfecti with pycnidia acervuli and stromata/ by Brian C. Sutton

  • Sutton, Brian C.

The yeasts

  • Guilliermond, A.

Risultati 1-16 di 16