
Titolo: Yeasts

Le 8 pubblicazioni ordinate per anno crescente

  • The yeasts

    Amsterdam : Elsevier, 1952
  • Yeasts

    The Hague : W. Junk, 1957

    Serie: Biologia et industria ; 1

  • Yeasts

    Bratislava : Vydavatel'stvo Slovenskej Akademie Vied, 1969
  • The yeasts

    Amsterdam : North-Holland Pub. Co., 1970
  • Yeasts

    Bratislava ; Pub. House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 1972
  • The yeasts

    Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, ©1984
  • The yeasts

    London : Academic press, 1987-
  • Yeasts

    Cambridge etc. : Cambridge University Press, 1988

    Serie: Living resources for biotechnology

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