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Risultati 460-480 di 656

La sílaba

su naturaleza, su origen y sus transformaciones

  • Hála, Bohuslav

Natural phonology from Eisenstadt

papers on natural phonology from the fifth International Phonology Meeting, 25-28 June, 1984

  • International phonology meeting 5. Eisenstadt 1984

A manual of phonology

  • Hockett, Charles F.

Phonologica 1984 [+]

proceedings of the Fifth international phonology meeting, Eisenstadt, 25-28 June 1984

  • International phonology meeting 5. Eisenstadt 1984


history and interpretation

  • Moses, Elbert R. Jr.

Morphonology [+]

the dynamics of derivation

  • Dressler, Wolfgang Ulrich

Elements of general phonetics [+]

  • Abercrombie, David 1909-1992

Problems of theoretical phonology

  • Šaumjan, Sebastian Konstantinovič

A programed introduction to linguistics

phonetics and phonemics : a Sullivan Associates Program

  • Buchanan, Cynthia D.

Voyelles longues et voyelles brèves

essai sur la nature de la quantité vocalique

  • Durand, Marguerite