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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 420-440 di 656

Suono e senso

fondamenti teorici ed empirici del simbolismo fonetico

  • Dogana, Fernando

Phonologica 1992 [+]

proceedings of the 7th International phonology meeting

  • International phonology meeting 7. Krems 1992


a linguistic and interdisciplinary approach to interactive speech and sound

  • Poyatos, Fernando

Acoustic phonetics [+]

  • Stevens, Kenneth N.

Melanges Leon

phonetique, phonostylistique, linguistique et litterature : hommages a Pierre Leon

Three areas of experimental phonetics

stress and respiratory activity, the nature of vowel quality, units in the perception and production of speech

  • Ladefoged, Peter

Introduccion a la fonetica

el metodo experimental

  • Llisterri Boix, Joaquim

Sounds and systems

studies in structure and change : a festschrift for Theo Vennemann

Grammatische Regeln und konversationelle Strategien

Fallstudien aus Syntax und Phonologie

  • Uhmann, Susanne

Precis de phonostylistique

parole et expressivite

  • Léon, Pierre-Roger 1926-2013