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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 100-120 di 258

Seismological aspects of intermediate and small-scale upper mantle structure

considerations on a global and regional scale

  • Passier, Martinus Louis

Elementary seismology

  • Richter, Charles Francis

Seismic behaviour of ground and geotechnical structures

proceedings of discussion special technical session on earthquake geotechnical engineering during 14. international conference on soil mechanics and foundation engineering. Hamburg, Germany, 6-12 September 1997

The effect of small-scale heterogeneity on the propagation of waves

with application to forward modeling and inversion in global surface wave tomography

  • Spetzler, Jesper

Earthquake games

earthquakes and volcanoes explained by 32 games and experiments

  • Levy, Matthys

Tutti giù per terra

percorso attivo di scoperta sul terremoto

A prova di terremoto

laboratori e attività per la scuola

  • Sidoti, Beniamino

Proteggersi dai terremoti

prima, durante e dopo l’evento

  • Vinci, Michele<1973- >


origini, storie e segreti dei movimenti della terra

  • Lupi, Luca

Terra pericolosa [+]

terremoti, eruzioni vulcaniche, frane, alluvioni, tsunami

  • Barberi, Franco

Quando la terra trema

  • Pough, Frederick H.

Terremoti e maremoti [+]

come conoscerli e prevenirne i rischi

Risultati 100-120 di 258