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Risultati 20-40 di 258

Earthquakes and the deep structure of the South Kurile Island Arc

(Zemletryaseniya i glubinnoe stroenie yuga Kuril'skoi ostrovnoi dugi)

Handbuch der physik.

Vol. 47: Geophysik 1

Earthquakes in the past

multidisciplinary approaches

Landslide tsunamis

recent findings and research directions

Die Ursache von Erdbeben und von anderen Erscheinungen

unterdrückte Erkentnisse Immanuel Kants : Ergebnisse vierzigjähriger Naturerforschung

  • Schmidt, Richard sismologo

2008 seismic engineering conference

commemorating the 1908 Messina and Reggio Calabria earthquake : Reggio Calabria, Italy 8-11 July 2008

  • 2008 seismic engineering conference Reggio Calabria 2008

Contributo allo studio del terremoto del Friuli del maggio 1976

  • Commissione CNEN-ENEL per lo studio dei problemi sismici connessi con la realizzazione di impianti nucleari