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Risultati 1-20 di 204

Eastern Europe and Russia/Soviet Union

a handbook of West European archival and library resources

  • Lewański, Richard Casimir

Inventing Eastern Europe

the map of civilization on the mind of the Enlightenment

  • Wolff, Larry

Ideologie si fantasmagorie

perspective comparative asupra istoriei gîndiriii politice în Europa Est-Centrala

  • Neumann, Victor

Orbis Russiarum

genèse et développement de la représentation du monde russe en Occident à la Renaissance

  • Mund, Stephane

L'est europeo e l'Italia

immagini e rapporti culturali : studi in onore di Piero Cazzola

La fin des democraties populaires

les chemins du post-communisme

  • Fejtö, François

The other Europe

eastern Europe to 1945

  • Walters, E. Garrison

Europe since 1989

a history

  • Ther, Philipp

Convergence and system change

the convergence hypothesis in the light of transition in Eastern Europe


a global history of Eastern Europe

Democracy and the market

political and economic reforms in Eastern Europe and Latin America

  • Przeworski, Adam

The bloc that failed

Soviet-East European relations in transition

  • Gati, Charles

Cette Europe qu'on dit centrale

des Hasbourg à l'intégration européenne : 1815-2004

  • Horel, Catherine


population resettlement and state reconstruction in the Soviet-East European borderlands, 1945-50

Shatterzone of empires

coexistence and violence in the German, Habsburg, Russian and Ottoman borderlands

The defeat of solidarity

anger and politics in postcommunist Europe

  • Ost, David

Risultati 1-20 di 204