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Risultati 40-60 di 204

The reconstruction of nations

Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, 1569-1999

  • Snyder, Timothy

L'altra metà del continente

l'Europa centro-orientale dalla formazione degli stati nazionali all'integrazione europea

EU expansion to the East

prospects and problems

The future of the market

an essay on the regulation of money and nature after the collapse of actually existing socialism

  • Altvater, Elmar

Macroeconomic problems of transformation

stabilization policies and economic restructuring

Competition and competition policy

a comparative analysis of Central and Eastern Europe

L'Europe des diètes au 17. siècle

mélanges offerts à Jean Bérenger

The magic lantern

the revolution of '89 witnessed in Warsaw, Budapest, Berlin, and Prague

  • Garton Ash, Timothy

Privatization in the transition to a market economy

studies of preconditions and policies in Eastern Europe