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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 160-180 di 273

Biochronologie quantitative

concepts, methodes et validite

  • Boulard, Christophe


approaches and case histories

Cool-water carbonates

depositional systems and palaeoenvironmental controls

Deciphering earth history

exercises in historical geology

  • Gastaldo, Robert A.

Historical geology

interpretations and applications

  • Poort, Jon M.

The Tide-influenced Petervasara sandstone

early Miocene, Northern Hungary : sedimentology, paleogeography and basin development

  • Sztano, Orsolya

Litho- und Biofaziesmuster des kontinentalen Oberkarbon und Rotliegend in Norddeutschland

Grundlagen fur die stratigraphische Interpretation von Tiefbohrungen : Dissertation

  • Rossler, Ronny

Palaobiogeographie oberkretazischer Inoceramen und Rudisten

Ozeanographische und klimatologische Konsequenzen einer neuen Palaogeographie : Dissertation

  • Voigt, Silke

Recherche des périodicités astronomiques et des fluctuations du niveau marin à partir de l'étude du signal carbonaté des séries pélagiques alternantes

application au crétacé inférieur du sud-est de la France (Bassin Vocontien), de l'Atlantiques Central (site 534 DSDP) et du Golfe du Mexique (site 535 DSDP)

  • Giraud, Fabienne

Subsurface geologic investigations of New York Finger Lakes

implications for late quaternary deglaciation and environmental change

The key to earth history

an introduction to stratigraphy

  • Doyle, Peter 1960-

The last deglaciation: absolute and radiocarbon chronologies

[proceedings of the NATO advanced research workshop on the last deglaciation: absolute and radiocarbon chronologies held in Erice, Sicily (Italy), December 9-13, 1990]