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Risultati 60-80 di 273

Sequence stratigraphy of foreland basin deposits

outcrop and subsurface examples from the Cretacous of North America

Earth history

genesis, paleozoic

  • Chamberlin, Thomas Chrowder

Historical geology

  • Dunbar, Carl Owen

Ancient sedimentary environments

a brief survey

  • Selley, Richard C.

The deep and the past

  • Ericson, David Barnard

History of the Earth

an introduction to historical geology

  • Kummel, Bernhard

L'urgonien des pays méditerranéens

colloque Grenoble, septembre 1979 Groupe français du crétacé

Seismic stratigraphy

  • Sheriff, Robert E.

Stratigraphie [+]

éléments de géologie historique

  • Theobald, N.

Sedimentation, tectonics and eustasy

sea-level changes at active margins



  • Thenius, Erich

The Cambrian-Ordovician boundary

sections, fossil distributions, and correlations

Neogene mineral resources in the Carpathian Basin

historical studies on their utilization