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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 160-180 di 1456

Microwave spectral tables

5: spectral line listing

  • Cord, Marian S.

Deep centers in semiconductors

a state of the art approach

One-dimensional metals

physics and materials science

  • Roth, Siegmar

Proceedings of the symposium on millimeter waves

Vol. 9: New York, march 31- april 2, 1959

Long-range Casimir forces

theory and recent experiments on atomic systems

Der elektrische Strom


  • Meyer, Arnold

Quantum electrodynamics [+]

a lecture note and reprint volume

  • Feynman, Richard P.

Semiconducting compounds

held at the General Electric Research Laboratory, Schenectady, New York, USA, June 14-16, 1961

Tables of gamma rays.

Vol. 2

  • Sangiust, V.