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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 240-260 di 1456

Semiconductors and semimetals.

Vol. 15: Contacts, junctions, emitters

Microcontamination conference and exposition 88


  • Microcontamination conference and exposition Santa Clara, California 1988

Radio tube

vade-mecum 1946

  • Brans, P.H.

Proceedings of the seventh workshop on electronics for LHC experiments

Stockholm, Sweden, 10-14 September 2001

  • Workshop on electronics for LHC experiments 7. Stockholm 2001

9th European microwave conference

Brighton, England, september 17-20,1979.

Postdeadline papers

CLEO 1990, 21-25 May, Anaheim, California

  • Conference on lasers and electro-optics Anaheim, California 1990

Fondamenti di elettronica analogica e di potenza

con tecniche di generazione e conversione

  • Ambrosini, Enrico

Low-temperature physics

conduction electrons, superconductivity, helium, magnetism, mossbauer effect, defects and irradiation : lectures delivered at Les Houches during the 1961 session of the Summer school of theoretical physics, University of Grenoble

  • Ecole d'été de physique théorique 11 Les Houches 1961


electrons and electromagnetic fields in nanometer-scale structure