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Risultati 20-40 di 240

Innovazione e trasferimento tecnologico

modelli a confronto

  • Caiazza, Rosa

Chinese technology transfer in the 1990s

current experience, historical problems and international perspectives

Sectoral systems of innovation

concepts, issues and analyses of six major sectors in Europe

Innovation in multinational corporations in the information age

the experience of the european ICT industry

  • SantangeloGrazia D.

The coming of age of information technologies and the path of transformational growth

a long-run perspective on the late 2000s recession

  • Gualerzi, Davide

Progettare l'America

la scienza, la tecnologia e la nascita del capitalismo monopolistico

  • Noble, David F.

Schumpeter and the endogeneity of technology

some American perspectives

  • Rosenberg, Nathan

Growth, distribution, and innovations

understanding their interrelations

  • Bhaduri, Amit

Cambiamento tecnologico e impresa multinazionale

il ruolo delle reti telematiche nelle strategie globali

  • Antonelli, Cristiano

Innovation and its enemies

why people resist new technologies

  • Juma, Calestous