Filtra i risultati


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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 140-160 di 240

Country competitiveness

technology and the organizing of work

The lever of riches

technological creativity and economic progress

  • Mokyr, Joel

European historiography of technology

proceedings from the TISC-Conference in Roskilde

Coordinamento e cambiamento

tecnologie e processi interorganizzativi

  • Rossignoli, Cecilia

Innovation, croissance et travail

l'incontournable adjustement vers le haut

Innovation networks and knowledge clusters

findings and insights from the US, EU and Japan

Innovation in Europes traditional industries

proceedings of the Sprint Conference : Luxembourg, 18-19 December 1989

Nouvelles technologies

une strategie socio-economique pour les annees 90

Il management dell'innovazione tecnologica

un approccio strategico a livello internazionale

  • Dodgson, Mark