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Risultati 300-320 di 1236

Frontiers of research in economic theory [+]

the Nancy L. Schwartz memorial lectures, 1983-1997

Evolution and institutions

on evolutionary economics and the evolution of economics

  • Hodgson, Geoffrey Martin

Markets, uncertainty and decision-making

a history of the introduction of uncertainty into economics

  • Wubben, Emiel F. M.

Economia, politica e management

nuove tendenze nello sviluppo economico, imprenditoriale e sociale

  • Drucker, Peter F.

Non-natural social science

reflecting on the enterprise of More heat than light

Convegno internazionale Vilfredo Pareto

Roma, 25-27 ottobre 1973

  • Convegno internazionale Vilfredo Pareto Roma 1973

Individuals, institutions, interpretations

hermeneutics applied to economics

Altruism and beyond

an economic analysis of transfers and exchanges within families and groups

  • Stark, Oded

Economics, power and culture

essays in the development of radical institutionalism

  • Stanfield, James Ronald