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Risultati 240-260 di 1236

The world in the model

how economists work and think

  • Morgan, Mary S.

Lo spirito di Filadelfia

giustizia sociale e mercato totale

  • Supiot, Alain

Reflection without rules [+]

economic methodology and contemporary science theory

  • Hands, D. Wade

Tempo della vita e mercato del tempo

dialoghi tra filosofia ed economia sul tempo : verso una critica dell'azienda capitalistica

  • Masullo, Aldo

Economic theory and economic thought

essays in honour of Ian Steedman

Economic theory and social change

problems and revisions

  • Eckstedt, Hasse

The invisible hand in economics

how economists explain unintended social consequences

  • Aydinonat, N. Emrah

Philosophy of economics [+]

a contemporary introduction

  • Reiss, Julian


un economista per la democrazia

  • Pecorari, Paolo

The soulful science

what economists really do and why it matters

  • Coyle, Diane