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Risultati 620-640 di 22329

The Castilian crisis of the seventeenth century

new perspectives on the economic and social history of seventeenth-century Spain

The turning point in economic development

Japan's experience

  • Minami, Ryoshin

Physicians and political economy

six studies of the work of doctor-economists

Sir John Hicks

critical assessments of contemporary economists

Entering the 21st century

world development report 1999/2000

Notions essentielles de géographie économique

1 : enseignement technique économique écoles supérieures de commerce, classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles: H.E.C., E.S.S.E.C., propédeutique

  • Merigot, Jean-Guy

J. Stuart Mill

sulla definizione di economia politica e sul metodo di ricerca filosofica in questa scienza (concetto e limiti dell'homo oeconomicus)

Alle radici del sottosviluppo in India

le deformazioni produttive nelle prime fasi della colonizzazione britannica

  • Zanier, Claudio

Government and the American economy

a new history

  • Fishback, Price

Les Amériques latines

une histoire économique

  • Martinière, Guy


what the world can learn from Japan's lost decades

  • Pesek, William

Explorations in Canadian economic history

essays in honour of Irene M. Spry