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Risultati 580-600 di 22329

Latin American underdevelopment

a historyof perspectives in the United States, 1870-1965

  • Park, James William

The piratization of Russia

Russian reform goes awry

  • Goldman, Marshall I.

L'économie de la Grèce des cités

fin VIe-Ier siècle a.C.. I, Les structures et la production

  • Bresson, Alain

Old South, new South

revolutions in the Southern economy since the civil war

  • Wright, Gavin

Una quasi-città dell'Italia nord-occidentale

popolazione insediamento e agricoltura a Bra fra XIV e XVI secolo

  • Gullino, Giuseppe

The economist's view of the world

government, markets, and public policy

  • Rhoads, Steven E.

Adam Smith and the Wealth of nations

1776-1976 bicentennial essays

Richard Stone

an annotated bibliography

  • Baranzini, Mauro

Quando i soldi finiscono

la fine dell'abbondanza dell'Occidente

  • King, Stephen D.


  • Thomas, Samuel Evelyn

John Law

economic theorist and policy-maker

  • Murphy, Antoin E.

Three great economists

Smith Malthus Keynes

  • Raphael, David Daiches

World economic geography

  • White, Charles Langdon

Erasing the invisible hand

essays on an elusive and misused concept in economics

  • Samuels, Warren Joseph

El regne esvaït

desevolupament econòmic, subordinació política, expansió fiscal, (Mallorca 1300-1335)

  • Cateura Bennasser, Pablo