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Risultati 80-100 di 144


a pratical approach


the autobiography of a species in 23 chapters

  • Ridley, Matt


evolution and applications

DNA synthesis

  • Kornberg, Arthur

The eukaryotic genome

organisation and regulation : fiftieth symposium of the Society for general microbiology, held at Umist, April 1993

  • Society for general microbiology

PCR technology

current innovations

Understanding DNA

the molecule & how it works

  • Calladine, C. R.

Fare scienza oggi

PCR : un caso esemplare di industria biotecnologica

  • Rabinow, Paul

DNA arrays [+]

methods and protocols

From genome to proteome

20 years of proteomics : in memory of Vitaliano Pallini : 10th Siena meeting : August 31-September 4, 2014, Siena, Italy

  • From genome to proteome<10. ;2014 ;Siena>

James Watson racconta

il DNA e il segreto della vita

  • Watson, James

E l'uomo creò l'uomo [+]

CRISPR e la rivoluzione dell'editing genomico

  • Meldolesi, Anna

Il gene 6

  • Lewin, Benjamin

DNA [+]

un codice per scrivere la vita e decifrare il cancro

  • Pievani, Telmo