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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 40-60 di 144

The genetic code

the molecular basis for genetic expression

  • Woese, Carl R

DNA simplified II

the illustrated hitchhiker's guide to DNA

  • Farkas, Daniel H.

La PCR e le sue varianti

quaderno di laboratorio

Genetica [+]

un approccio molecolare

  • Russell, Peter J.

Il codice genetico [+]

  • Galizzi, Alessandro

Mitochondrial DNA

methods and protocols

Genetics and philosophy

an introduction

  • Griffiths, Paul

Real-time PCR in microbiology

from diagnosis to characterization

  • Mackay, Ian M.

Genomi 3 [+]

  • Brown, Terence Austen

Ancient DNA

methods and protocols

The phylogenetic handbook

a practical approach to phylogenetic analysis and hypothesis testing

Who we are and how we got here

ancient DNA and the new science of the human past

  • Reich, David

DNA microarrays and gene expression

from experiments to data analysis and modeling

  • Baldi, Pierre