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Risultati 1-20 di 1418

American modern

1925-1940, design for a new age

Methodik der Form und Bildgestaltung

Aufbau, Synthese, Anwendung : forme synthèse application : principles and practice

  • Hofmann, Armin

Enzo Mari

il lavoro al centro

  • D'Avossa, Antonio

2,000 designs, forms and ornaments

an album that represents the entire range of ornament from prehistoric times until the present

  • Estrin, Michael

Art in revolution [+]

arte e design sovietici 1917-1927 : Bologna, Museo civico, 9 luglio-8 agosto 1971

Natur und Ornament

zur Erzeugung von Heimat

  • Raulet, Gérard

Product design

fundamentals and methods

  • Roozenburg, Norbert F. M.

Une théorie universelle au milieu du XIXe siècle

la Grammar of ornament d'Owen Jones

  • Varela Braga, Ariane

Carlo Bugatti au Musée d'Orsay

catalogue sommaire illustré du fonds d'archives et des collections

Great designs

the world's best design explored and explained

  • Wilkinson, Philip

Fontana Arte

[illuminazione , arredamento, cristalli d'arte]

  • Fontana Arte

Art as design: design as art

a contemporary guide

  • McIlhany, Sterling

Il design è un pipistrello mezzo topo e mezzo uccello

storia e teoria del design

  • Koenig, Giovanni Klaus

Sehen und Hören, Design + Kommunikation

Ausstellung des Kunstgewerbemuseums in der Kunsthalle Köln

The grammar of ornament [+]

illustrated by examples from various styles of ornament

  • Jones, Owen

Risultati 1-20 di 1418