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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 40-60 di 1418

The civilization of plastics

Evolution of an industry which has changed the world

  • Marchelli, Renzo

Visual design in action

principles, purposes

  • Sutnar, Ladislav

Gestaltungsprobleme des Grafikers

Gestalterische und erzierische Probleme in der Werbegrafik - die Ausbildung des Grafikers : creative problems of the graphic designer design and training in commercial art : Typographie, dessin, photo, labels, couleurs, etc.

  • Müller-Brockmann, Josef

Design science research

a method for science and technology advancement

  • Dresch, Aline

Handbook of regular patterns

an introduction to symmetry in two dimensions

  • Stevens, Peter S.

Progettazione visiva

convenzione e procedimenti di rappresentazione

  • Anceschi, Giovanni

Your private sky

R. Buckminster Fuller, the art of disegn science

Material revolution 2.

sustainable and multi-purpose materials for design and architecture

  • Peters, Sascha

Design e modelli digitali

il progetto dall'idea alla comunicazione

  • Castagna, Stefano 1959-

Dalla citta al cucchiaio

saggi sulle nuove avanguardie nell'architettura e nel design

  • Orlandoni, Bruno

Tempo di design

  • Ruffilli, Massimo

Symbol, pattern and symmetry

the cultural significance of structure

  • Hann, Michael A.

Natural design

  • Corrado, Maurizio

Beautiful users

designing for people

  • Lupton, Ellen

Responding to chaos

tradition, technology, society and order in Japanese design

  • Buck, David N.