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Risultati 240-260 di 1301

Art & reality

John Anderson on literature and aesthetics

  • Anderson, John

Les artistes de la faim


  • Vigée, Claude

Probleme und Gestalten


  • Alewyn, Richard

D'Oedipe a Faust

le desir et le temps

  • Bianchi, Henri

Forgers and critics

creativity and duplicity in western scholarship

  • Grafton, Anthony

Literature, rethoric, metaphysics

literary theory and literary aesthetics

  • Kirwan, James

Modern literary theory

a reader

  • Rice, Philip

Reader-response criticism

from formalism to post-strucuturalism

The theory of criticism

from Plato to the present : a reader

The pragmatics of literature

  • Pagnini, Marcello 1921-

Games authors play

  • Hutchinson, Peter

Literature in the modern world

critical essays and documents

  • Walder, Dennis


essais de textanalyse

  • Bellemin-Noël, Jean

Gender & theory

dialogues in feminist criticism

L'espace litteraire

  • Blanchot, Maurice