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Risultati 200-220 di 1301

Neo-formalist papers

contributions to the silver jubilee conference to mark 25 years of the Neo-Formalist Circle : held at Mansfield College, Oxford 11-13 September, 1995

Kontexte in Texten

Umfeldtheorie und literarischer Situationsaufbau

  • Aschenberg, Heidi

El comentario linguistico

metodologia y practica

  • Marcos Marín, Francisco

Poetics of the text

essays to celebrate twenty years of the Neo-Formalist Circle

Figures mythiques et visages de l'oeuvre

de la mythocritique a la mythanalyse

  • Durand, Gilbert

Théorie littéraire

problèmes et perspectives

Saggi critici

  • Zumbini, Bonaventura

Il dialogo della tradizione

intertestualità, ri-uso, storia

  • Grendene, Filippo

Greek literary theory after Aristotle

a collection of papers in honour of D. M. Schenkeveld

The intimate critique

autobiographical litery criticism