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Risultati 40-60 di 538

Optimal control

  • Alekseev, Vladimir Mikhailovich

Modeling and control of systems in engineering, quantum mechanics, economics and biosciences

proceedings of the Bellman continuum workshop 1988, June 13-14, Sophia Antipolis, France

  • Bellman continuum workshop 3. Sophia Antipolis 1988

Optimal control

an introduction to the theory and its applications

  • Athans, Michael

Logica fuzzy

teoria ed applicazioni

  • Veronesi, Massimiliano

Digital control engineering

analysis and design

  • Fadali, M. Sami

Proceedings of the 1980 joint automatic control conference

an ASME Century 2 emerging technology Conference, August 13-15, San Francisco, California

  • Joint automatic control conference San Francisco 1980.

Swarm robotics

SAB 2004 international workshop, Santa Monica, CA, USA, July 17, 2004 : revised selected papers

  • International workshop on simulation of adaptive behavior Santa Monica, CA, USA 2004

Feedback systems

input-output properties

  • Desoer, Charles A.