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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 180-200 di 538

Robotics, vision and control

fundamental algorithms in MATLAB

  • Corke, Peter I. 1959-

Plant and process dynamic characteristics

proceedings of a Conference held at Cambridge 4-6 April 1956

Large-scale control systems

theories and techniques

  • Mahmoud, Magdi S.

Sliding mode control

theory and applications

  • Edwards, Christopher

[Automatic and remote control III]

proceedings of the Third Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, London, 20-25 June 1966

  • International federation of automatic control

A link between science and applications of automatic control

proceedings of the seventh triennal world congress of the International federation of automatic control, Helsinki, Finland, 12-16 June 1978

  • International federation of automatic control. Triennal world congress 7. Helsinki 1978

Switching and learning in feedback systems

european summer school on multi-agent control, Maynooth, Ireland, September 8-10, 2003 : revised lectures and selected papers

  • European summer school on multi-agent control Maynooth, Irlanda 2003

Discrete systems

analysis control and optimization

  • Mahmoud, Magdi S.