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Risultati 140-160 di 234

Improving disclosures about financial instruments [+]

proposed amendments to IFRS 7 : exposure draft : comments to be received by 15 December 2008

  • International accounting standards board

Reducing complexity in reporting financial instruments

[comments to be submitted by 19 September 2008

  • International accounting standards board

La classificazione e la valutazione degli strumenti finanziari secondo IFRS 9 (revised 2010)

osservazioni critiche alla luce dell’attuale crisi finanziaria internazionale

  • Favino, Christian

Le aggregazioni aziendali

guida all'applicazione degli IFRS

International financial reporting standards (IFRs)

a briefing for chief executives, audit committees & boards of directors : 2009


preliminary views : comments to be received by17 July 2009

Revised Constitution [+]

February 2009 : [approved by the trustees 1 Febrary 2009]

Wiley IFRS 2012

interpretation and application of international financial reporting standards

Codice commentato dei principi contabili internazionali IAS/IFRS

applicazione pratica e confronto con i principi OIC : Principi contabili IAS/IFRS adottati dall'Unione Europea, Aggiornamento Febbraio 2015


proposed amendments to IAS 39 and IFRS 7 : comments to be received by 31 July 2009 : exposure draft

  • International accounting standards board

Financial instruments, july 2009

a guide through the official text of IAS 32, IAS 39 and IFRS 7 : includes the report on illiquid markets by the Expert advisory panel

  • International accounting standards board

Group cash-settled share-based payment transactions

amendments to IFRS 2

  • International accounting standards board

Income tax

comments to be received by 31 July 2009

  • International accounting standards board

Prepayments of a minimum funding requirement [+]

proposed amendments to IFRIC 14 : exposure draft : comments to be received by 27 July 2009

  • International accounting standards board

Il bilancio delle societa sportive professionistiche

normativa civilistica, principi contabili nazionali e internazionali (IAS/IFRS)

  • Mancin, Moreno

Financial instruments

classification and measurement : comments to be received by 14 September 2009

  • International accounting standards board