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Risultati 180-200 di 234

Extractive activities

comments to be received by 30 July 2010

  • International accounting standards board

Snapshot: Hedge Accounting

exposure draft

  • International accounting standards board

Financial liabilities

[Project summary and feedback statement]

  • International accounting standards board

[2]: IFRS 9 Financial instruments

implementation guidance

  • International accounting standards board

Presentation of items of other comprehensive income

proposed amendments to IAS 1 : exposure draft : comments to be received by 30 September 2010

  • International accounting standards board


comments to be received by 15 December 2010

  • International accounting standards board

Conceptual framework for financial reporting

the reporting entity : exposure draft : comments to be received by 16 July 2010

  • International accounting standards board

Problemi di armonizzazione dell'informazione contabile [+]

processi, attori, strumenti, un modello interpretativo

  • Adamo, Stefano

Contabilità internazionale

aspetti introduttivi di una teoria delle differenze tra sistemi contabili

  • Mezzabotta, Claudia

Fair value

rappresentazione contabile e valutazioni finanziarie secondo gli Ias : prevalenza della sostanza sulla forma, valutazione delle attività, metodi per la stima del valore corrente, casi applicativi

  • Roscini Vitali, Franco

Wiley GAAP 2005

interpretation and application of generally accepted accounting principles

Shared-based payment

  • Financial accounting standards board

Rechnungslegung nach International accounting standards (IAS)

Kommentar auf der Grundlage des deutschen Bilanzrechts

International financial reporting standards (IFRSs) 2006

including International Accounting Standards (IASs) and interpretation as at 1 January 2006 : the full text of all International Financing Reporting Standards extant at 1 January 2006

  • International accounting standards board