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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 120-140 di 289

Socially restorative urbanism

the theory, process and practice of experiemics

  • Thwaites, Kevin

Designing Urban Agriculture

a complete guide for the planning, design, costruction, maintenance and management of edible landscapes

  • Philips, April

Building an emerald city

a guide to creating green building policies and programs

  • Athens, Lucia

Planning ideas that matter

livability, territoriality, governance and reflective practice

Welfare e territorio

esplorare il legame tra politiche dei servizi e dimensione urbana

Smart cities

gestire la complessità urbana nell'era di Internet

  • Vianello, Michele

Shaping places

urban planning, design and development

  • Adams, David 1954-

Prove di qualità urbana

luci e ombre del new urbanism

  • Fratini, Fabiola

Dream cities

seven urban ideas that shape the world

  • Graham, Wade

Green dream

[how future cities can outsmart nature]

Images of the future city

time and space for future development

  • Höjer, Mattias

Planning and conflict

critical perspectives on contentious urban developments