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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 180-200 di 289

Quaderni del territorio

dalla città fabbrica alla città digitale: saggi e ricerche (1976-1979-1981)

Healthy placemaking

wellbeing through urban design

  • London, Fred

Biophilic urbanism

designing resilient communities for the future

  • Tabb, Philip James

Designing America

creating urban identity : a primer on improving U. S. cities for a changing future using the project approach to the design and financing of the spaces between buildings

  • Goldsteen, Joel B.


gli inventori dei luoghi che abiteremo

  • Granata, Elena

La città di domani

come le reti stanno cambiando il futuro urbano

  • Ratti, Carlo 1971-

Action planning for cities

a guide to community practice

  • Hamdi, Nabeel

Città inclusiva e senza limiti

progettare luoghi per le persone nella società contemporanea

  • Campioli, Stefania

New urbanism and American planning

the conflict of cultures

  • Talen, Emily

Note su la città multietnica

  • Gurrieri, Francesco 1937-

Community design and the culture of cities

the crossroad and the wall

  • Lozano, Eduardo E.

Urban complexity and spatial strategies

towards a relational planning for our times

  • Healey, Patsy

Complex artificial environments

simulation, cognition and VR in the study and planning of cities

Planning the good community

new urbanism in theory and practice

  • Grant, Jill