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Risultati 1-20 di 155

The great depression

an international disaster of perverse economic policies

  • Hall, Thomas Emerson

Business cycles

a theoretical, historical, and statistical analysis of the capitalist process

  • Schumpeter, Joseph Alois

Economic stability in the post-war world

the conditions of prosperityafter the transition from war to peace : report of the delegation on economic depressions Part 2

Economia, elezioni, interessi

una analisi dei cicli economici elettorali in Italia

  • Santagata, Walter

Explaining the crisis

a marxist re-appraisal

  • Harman, Chris

Ricerche di cinematica storica

con un'appendice critica finale

Surviving large losses

financial crises, the middle class and the development of capital markets

  • Hoffman, Philip T.

Technological and social factors in long term fluctuations

proceedings of an international workshoop held in Siena, december 16-18, 1986

The edge of chaos

financial booms, bubbles, crashes and chaos

  • Cohen, Bernice

Risultati 1-20 di 155