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Risultati 20-40 di 155

Analyzing modern business cycles

essays honoring Geoffrey H. Moore

Teoria della dinamica economica

saggio sulle variazioni cicliche e di lungo periodo nell'economia capitalistica

  • Kalecki, Michal

Business cycles since 1820

new international perspectives from historical evidence

The second slump

a marxist analysis of recession in the seventies

  • Mandel, Ernest

Convergence or divergence in Europe?

growth and business cycles in France, Germany, and Italy

Congiuntura economica e previsione

teoria e pratica dell'analisi congiunturale

  • Cipolletta, Innocenzo

Profits, interest and investment

nd other essays on the theory of industrial fluctuations

  • Hayek, Friedrich A. von

Phases of economic growth 1850 - 1973

Kondratieff waves and Kuznets swings

  • Solomou, Solomos

As time goes by

from the industrial revolutions to the information revolution

  • Freeman, Christopher

I cicli economici maggiori

  • Kondrat'ev, Nikolaj Dmitrievic

The dynamics of business cycles

a study in economic fluctuations

  • Tinbergen, Jan