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Atti del [VI] Convegno-scuola su Biopolimeri

struttura e proprietà di polipeptidi e proteine acidi nucleici e polisaccaridi : Gargnano, Villa Feltrinelli, 4-8 giugno 1984

  • Convegno-scuola su biopolimeri 6. Gargnano 1984

Seminars in organic synthesis

XVI summer school A. Corbella, June 17-21 1991, Palazzo Feltrinelli, Università degli Studi di Milano, Gargnano (BS)

  • Summer School "A. Corbella" 16. Gargnano (BS) 1991

Enthalpies of vaporization of organic compounds

a critical review and data compilation

  • Majer, Vladimir

Outlines of biochemistry

the organic chemistry and the physico-chemical reactions of biologically important compounds and systems

  • Gortner, Ross Aiken

XI convegno nazionale di chimica organica

Sorrento, 16-21 settembre 1979 : relazioni e comunicazioni

  • Convegno nazionale di chimica organica 11. Sorrento 1979


quaderno I°

  • Giacomello, Giordano 1910-1968

A first course in polymer chemistry

  • Strepikheyev, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich

Denatured or industrial alcohol

a treatise on the history, manufacture, composition, uses, and possibilities of industrial alcohol in the various countries permitting its use, and the laws and regulations governing the same, including the United States : with concise tables, methods, and notes for the use of the engineer, chemist, manufacturers of alcohol and alcohol making and using apparatus, including alcohol motors, engines, illuminating lamps, and heating and cooking stoves

  • Herrick, Rufus Frost

Amino acid determination

methods and techniques

  • Blackburn, Stanley

Milk proteins

chemistry and molecular biology