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Risultati 20-40 di 43

Squid age determination using statoliths

proceedings of the international workshop held in the Istituto di tecnologia della pesca e del pescato

Cephalopods from Deepwater Dumpsite 106 (Western Atlantic)

vertical distribution and seasonal abundance

  • Lu, C.C.

The biology of Cephalopods [+]

the proceedings of a symposium held at the Zoological society of London on 10 and 11 April 1975

Un probleme de paleobiologie chez les Ammonides (Cephalopoda)

croissance et miniaturisation en liaison avec les environneents

  • Mignot, Yannick

Cephalopods [+]

ecology and fisheries

  • Boyle, Peter

Marine flora and fauna of the eastern United States

Mollusca: Cephalopoda

  • Vecchione, Michael

Altre menti [+]

il polpo, il mare e le remote origini della coscienza

  • Godfrey-Smith, Peter

Le piovre [+]

  • Cousteau, Jacques Yves