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Risultati 1-20 di 43

I cefalopodi

lavorazione, trattamento ed ispezione TESI

  • Dionisi, Duilio

Histoire naturelle générale et particulière des Céphalopodes acétabulifères vivants et fossiles ...

  • Férussac, André Étienne Just Paschal Joseph François d'Audebard baron de

Kingdom of the octopus

the life history of the cephalopoda

  • Lane, Frank W.

Functional morphology of cephalopods

proceedings of the second international symposium

Cephalopod neurobiology

neuroscience studies in squid, octopus, and cuttlefish

Larval and juvenile cephalopods

a manual for their identification

Die Schalen von Sepia, Spirula und Nautilus

Studien uber den Bau und das Wachsthum

  • Appellof, Adolf

The first world Cephalopods conference

March 13th-15th 1989 Hotel Le Meridien, Lisbon, Portugal

  • World Cephalopods conference 1 Lisbon 1989

Nouvelles contributions à la connaissance du système nerveux du tentacule des céphalopodes

4. la patrimoine nerveux de la ventouse de l'Octopus vulgaris

  • Rossi, Ferdinando medico

Cephalopods of the world

squids, cuttlefishes, octopuses, and allies

  • Nesis, Kir N.

Cephalopods present and past

O.H. Schindewolf Symposium Tübigen 1985

Risultati 1-20 di 43