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Risultati 60-80 di 992

Perspectives in phytochemistry

proceedings of the Phytochemical society symposium, Cambridge, April 1968

  • Phytochemical society symposium Cambridge 1968

International code of botanical nomenclature

adopted by the 12. international botanical congress, Leningrad, july 1975

O Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro

uma lembrança do 1. Centenário : 1808-1908

  • Barbosa Rodrigues, João

Dictionnaire élémentaire de botanique

  • Bulliard, Jean Baptiste François (Pierre) 1752-1793

Botanica e società

  • Misseri, Salvatore Corrado

Botanica generale ed agraria

  • Comes, Orazio 1848-1923

Elementi di botanica

  • Elisei, Flavio Giuseppe

Revolutionary botany

'Thalassiophita' and other essays

  • Church, Arthur Harry