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Risultati 200-220 di 992

Elsevierʼs dictionary of plant names

in Latin, English, French, German and Italian

Botanica e zoologia

per le scuole medie superiori

  • Falchi, Persio

8. Congrès international de botanique

Paris 1954 : rapports et communications parvenus avant le congrès

  • Congres international de botanique 8. Paris 1954

Ricerca e applicazioni nelle botaniche speciali

  • Gruppo di lavoro per le botaniche applicate

Lexicon nominum herbarum, arborum fruticumque linguae latinae

ex fontibus Latinitatis ante saeculum 17. scripsit collegit et descriptionibus botanicis illustravit

  • Stirling, Janos

Di fiore in fiore

nozioni speciali di botanica con tavole acquerellate originali

  • Testa, Eliseo

Spiegazione etimologica dei nomi delle piante

tratta dal Glossario di botanica di Alessandro de Theis e da altri moderni scrittori

Dictionary of plant names

over 100.000 names of about 10.000 species and varieties of flowering plants and fern-like plants in latin, russian, english and chinese (hieroglyphic and latin transliteration)

  • Schroeter, A. I.

Plant form and function

an introduction to plant science

  • Tortora, Gerard J.


  • Moore, Randy

10. International botanical congress

abstracts of papers

  • International botanical congress 10. Edinburgh 1964

Proceedings of the 7. International botanical congress

Stockholm, July 12-20 1950

  • International botanical congress 7. Stokholm 1950

Proceedings of the 10. International botanical congress

Edinburgh, August, 4-11, 1964

  • International botanical congress 10. Edinburgh 1964