Filtra i risultati


Cerca per titolo, autore, soggetto

Risultati ricerca

Risultati 160-180 di 1965

Guide to review of library collections

preservation, storage and withdrawal

La biblioteca

uno spazio generato da un arredo

  • Cafiero, Gioconda

Contemporary library architecture

a planning and design guide

  • Worpole, Ken

Catalogue 2.0

the future of the library catalogue

Information 2.0 [+]

new models of information production, distribution and consumption

  • De Saulles, Martin

M-libraries 3

transforming libraries with mobile technology

Planning public library buildings

concepts and issues for the librarian

  • Dewe, Michael

The Cybrarian's Web

an A - Z guide to 101 free Web 2.0 tools and other resources

  • Peltier-Davis, Cheryl Ann

Building libraries for the 21st century

the shape of information

  • Webb, Terry D.

I periodici nelle biblioteche: un patrimonio da salvare

atti del Convegno promosso dalla Biblioteca nazionale Braidense, Milano, 26 febbraio 1983

Universal availability of publications

UAP : a programme to improve the national and international provision and supply of publication

  • Line, Maurice B.

Document delivery services

issues and answers

  • Mitchell, Eleanor

Library serials standards

development, implementation, impact : proceedings of the Third annual serials Conference

  • Serials Conference 3., 1983 Arlington

Postcards in the library

invaluable visual resources