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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 180-200 di 1965

Guida alle biblioteche

i servizi delle biblioteche comunali e scolastiche della provincia di Roma

  • Geretto, Paola

Conservation in the library

a handbook of use and care of traditional an nontraditional materials

Alternative literature

a practical guide for librarians

  • Atton, Chris

Evaluation of public services and public services personnel

  • Allerton Park Institute 32th 1990 Monticello

The African book world and press

a directory : répertoire du livre e de la presse en Afrique

  • Zell, Hans M.

Educating the user

papers given at a two-day course held at the Library association on 16 and 17 november 1977

Reference service

  • Davinson, Donald Edward

Patron behavior in libraries

a handbook of positive approaches to negative situations